Monday, May 23, 2011

An Open Apology

It was brought to my attention today that my post last night hurt and offended a lot of people. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, now would be a good time to go to another blog. I was going to write a letter to each one of you but then Bobby made a good point, if I offended in a blog post, then a proper way to apologize is through the same medium because I have no idea who all read and was offended by my post. I know from my stats that if half the people read it and were upset then that's still A LOT of people. So...
    First off I hate half hearted apologies. So since this is in a blog you have to use your imagination and hear the sincerity in my voice. Also I hate apologies with a lot of excuses. So if you want reasons behind my post and you are disappointed, well I'm sorry.

I thererfore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called. With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the
bond of peace.
        Eph. 4:1-3

My blog post yesterday was not humble, or gentle. I was not patient with my fellow believers nor was I eager to maintain unity. I am truly sorry. 

1 comment:

Diana said...

Jess honey,
In my experience in USA so far i noticed that people get so easily offended by virtually everything. And they get offended because they recognize the truth and they feel guilty about it so it's easier to blame it on yo rather than look themselves in the mirror and see their own mistakes and maybe, if it is the case for them to apologize back to you.
Basically I am tried of people trying so much to walk on eggshells just so some uncomfortable asses stay comfortable. I cannot live in the constant fear that my skirt or my looks or my words will offend someone.
The blog is your blog.; nobody forced nobody to read it. If you don't like what she writes then you are more than welcomed to not read her blog. I have a blog too and it kills me to see some people telling me that what I write gets offensive. So i invite them politely to put their own opinions on their own blog. You did not cuss someone, you did not insult saying cuss words, so I only saw an honest calling on people that disappointed you in whatever you were doing this weekend (which by the way I have no idea what is was).
The people who did not get offended were the people that saw their own mistake of not standing besides you all the way and know you, and they know you have your heart in the right place.
I encounter every day the fact that telling the truth hurts and some people cannot live up to their mistakes and is easier to "get offended" and play the guilt card on you. No matter what you do or say there will be at least one in the crowd that will scream "offensive", "racist", "bigot" etc. Understand that you cannot please everyone and if they don't know who you are deep down, then I am sorry for them. Because I believe you apologized for nothing , for real.
I respect your beliefs, you belief in the beliefs and I don't judge you for being sometimes in my opinion too much over it. Since it's your life, you choose how to live it. You are a wonderful person, a great mother and the most careful and polite neighbor I ever had. Love