Sunday, May 22, 2011

Westboro Gauntlet

Ok so first things first. Both our computers are down so I haven't been able to blog...until now. Bobby fixed up my phone so I could blog. Thanks sweetie!
   Ok so a while back I blogged about Westboro Baptist Church and how the christian community doesn't stand up and say "these people are not christians".  Well by some providential reason they saw fit to come here to Savannah Ga. I'm my eyes that's the gauntlet being thrown down and I will snatch it up in a heart beat. We heard about them coming three or so weeks ago. That gave me a chance to think and pray and plan. Then last monday I started talking to the boys about sinners and Jesus and how he interacted with them, how he talked to them and how we are to be imitators of Christ. We also talked about loving your neighbor and who exactly is our neighbor. We talked about those concepts all week long. Then last night at dinner we laid our cards on the table. We told the boys about WBC and the counter protesters. We told them about our reasons for going. We told them that someone had to stand up and say to both sides "these people are not christians" we had to tell them about Jesus. I told them about my plans to make signs and how it could be dangerous. Then our 6 year old looked at me imploringly and asked. "are you going Mommy?" "yep!" was my answer. "Then I'm going too. I need a sign" He was sure. It gave me courage. 
    This morning I was amped. Probably something the way a MMA guy feels the morning of a fight. He knows there's a chance he could get the crap beat out of him, or he could win. Us too. So as an answer to prayer Nana (my MIL) who is a saint, took Chloe and we took off down town. We got there and there were like 20 cops and that was it. 5 minutes later it was like a flash mob but much less cool ..... the WBC group arrived and so did the counter protesters. We grabbed our signs and stood there for a minute. Having never done this before I didn't know what to expect.  I prayed that God would give me an idea of what to do and the next thing I know there was someone asking to take the boys (and their signs) pictures. It was a perfect opportunity for me to talk to them.  After that it was easy, lots of people wanted to take the boys pictures. They were the only kids (with the exception of two babies in strollers) there. People were so open to talking to me. Gay people, straight people, military people, cops, counter protest leaders. So many people. All needing Jesus. I was struck with how lost both sides were.  Friday is another protest, this one at the high schools and the Jewish places. Once again we'll be there, talking to people and talking Jesus.


Misplaced Honor said...

I'm glad you have your blogging shoes on again. You didn't mention to me that our church family didn't pray for us. Wow, I hope the words on my blog hit hard if that is truly the case. That would be a tremendous disappointment. I think I'll go and pray to fight off bitterness now. Love you, babe.

norma j hill said...

amped just reading what you wrote. I'm glad you're blogging again, too :-) And that you're willing to be out there. I'm with you in spirit ... and would be with you in body if I were closer!