Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rob Bell vs Westboro

[29 ] I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; [30 ] and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them. Acts 20:29-30
   Recent events have really ticked me off. Here's the deal. A few days ago certain circles were all abuzz because of Rob Bell's new book. People were up in arms about what he did, didn't, and vaguely said. I can't tell you the specifics of it all because quiet frankly I don't care. Then something was in the news that I do care about very much. Westboro Baptist Church was in the news again. While they are upsetting in and of their selves, they are not who I am most upset at. I am really upset with real Christians. Especially the big hitters of our faith. You know them, especially in the reformed circles,  John Piper, Mark Driscoll, John MacArthur, Sproul, Ravi Zacharias. The men with a public voice, with public outlets. WHERE ARE THESE MEN? Probably reading poetry, writing sex books and slaying sin (so long as the sin doesn't require actual slaying).
Westboro Baptist is not christian, they are not believers. They claim to be our brothers and sisters in Christ yet they are wolves. And not like Joel Osteen kind of a wolf. Joels danger is that he is lulling thousands of Christians away from the true faith with his smiley feel goodism. He is actually the extreme opposite of Westboro. While he is full of lovey dovey huggy doctrine, Westboro is full of rage, anger, hell and damnation doctrine. Neither talk of grace or Jesus' redemptive power of the cross. Both are wolves. But Westboro is the most vile form of a wolf that we have in the flock right now. Not only do they have a congregation filled with members spewing this hatred and evil garbage but they have captured the attention of the nation, maybe even the world. They have believers and unbelievers looking at them in disgust, shaking their heads but so far the courts have not silenced them and they continue.When unbelievers see them they see the name Baptist, and Church attached to their actions. WHERE ARE THE MEN? Every time these people make the news, the real Baptists the real Christians should be on the news too; on the blogs, on facebook, on Twitter, on the Today show talking about how these people are NOT our brothers and sisters. They are not true Christians. We are representives of Christ. When we accept Him as Lord and Saviour, He comes and dwells within us. We are to defend the Gospel, to fight the good fight. WHY are we not fighting? Why are we not up in arms about THIS?? Why aren't true Christians there wherever the Westboro people are, shouting from the top of their lungs, THESE ARE NOT CHRISTIANS!!!! When the Westboro group pickets a funeral, real Christians should be there, not picketing, but serving, trying to shield the family from these people, serving at the wake, bringing food, cleaning up, loving these hurt people. Showing the family true faith, true Christianity.
 Have true Christians become so lazy, so sluggish, so cowardly that we are willing to turn a blind eye at Westboro? Or do we think that the Gospel, that Christ Himself, isn't worth defending.

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