Thursday, March 10, 2011

Radical Together by David Platt a small review

I read David Platts book Radical Together yesterday. I will admit that it consumed me and I couldn't put it down once I picked it up. Ok not really true, I'm a homeschooling mom with a 1 year old. I did put it down, but I did neglect some things I had planned to do yesterday so I could read. Anyways. I just want to say that I didn't read his first book Radical, and I wasn't planning to read this one but it was laying around and I wanted to see what it was about. Glad I did.
 Ok so in the book Platt talks about our purpose in life as a believers. It's not about getting a bigger church building or about adding more programs, it's about making disciples and bringing the Gospel to the unreached people groups in the world. That's it.
Here was one of my favorite snippets in the book.
Consider: If I take the next three years of my life and do what Jesus did with twelve other men, then three years from now I and twelve other guys will be a small band of men who are making disciples. If we do the same thing with twelve other guys in the following three years, then we will be an army of 144 men who are making disciples. If I continue to build faithful men like this who are building other faithful men in their lives, then within twenty years, the potential exists for an army of more than three million men who are making disciples of all the nations! 
he admits that some will say that some of those men will not follow through, but even if 1/3 of them followed through, WOW! And since it's the Great Commission, and the Biblical model of the great commission, It can't fail.
He talks about how God exalts God. and the more people that are saved the more people there are to exalt God. In fact it says that when all the people groups of the earth are brought the Gospel then Jesus will return. So the Great Commission was an order for us to work towards the return of Christ. But to do that our lives will need to be radical and we need to work together.
I really liked this book. I really inspired me to think differently about my life and the world around me. I want to be around other believers that have this same fire and same passion for Christ. The things that his church and the churches that he talks about in the book are so inspiring. One church got together and as a group they fostered or adopted every child the Department of Human Resources had in the county. One church moved out of their rented building to save $5,000 a month, they now meet in a parking lot outside every Sunday and use the money to go on short term mission trips, and several members have decided to become full time missionaries because of that. Just think of all the people that they are impacting all over the world!
I really liked this little book. I know that this book doesn't go on sale until April 19th, but I would encourage you to go out and preorder it today. Its that good.

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