Monday, January 17, 2011

"Extreme" Disappointment

Extreme Makeover Savannah Episode

So in case you missed it here was the show that was aired last night that my wonderful husband helped on. We hosted an "extreme" party and had about 13 people all crowded around to watch the show. It was "Extremely" disappointing to say the least. The Simpson family had a once in a life time opportunity to proclaim the gospel to the nation, or at the very least give God all the glory. Now I am sure that the Simpson family is very nice. But what the heck happened???? Not ONE mention Jesus, God, Providence. Grace, NOTHING!!!!! Now I am very sure that ABC, having all editorial  rights is not without blame here. But knowing that, you would think that Joe (the father) would have been very aware of that fact and made every attempt to mention Christ very time he opened his mouth. I mean think about it, if he had done that, ABC would have been forced to either A.) Edit Joe (the father) out of the episode all together. OR B.) allow Christ's mention in at least some of the show. Talk about missed opportunities. Think about what a chance this was to proclaim the Gospel, think about what a witness this family could have been to the crew and to all of America. What is man's whole reason for being here on Earth? is it to get a super cool house? to help our friends and neighbors, to help the community? HECK NO! it's to Glorify Christ. To give HIM all the Glory. Not Ty, not Paula Deen, not the cast and crew, or the volunteers, or the sponsors.... Jesus Christ. Point. Blank. Period.
        It's hard to give God glory and honor and praise in the hard times, in the scary times. I know, it takes reminding and effort. LOTS of effort. But it's easy to give God the glory in times like this, the good times. Even unbelievers will shout out OMG! or Thank you God! Or it SHOULD be easy.  How much more of a thankful heart should we expect from a believer??? Out of a mans heart come the words of his mouth. Hmmmm.....Welcome Home Simpson Family. Sola Deo Gloria


Eric said...

We watched it last night - and had a great time with some cool friends.

Jessica said...

We did too Eric! we need to get together more often. I miss your family!