Monday, October 25, 2010

A ramble about my hectic life.

Ok so let me just tell ya'll about my unending week, life.. About two weeks ago we started gearing up for what I knew was going to be crazy busy. The week started out with my mother in law getting the kids on Monday, so school was out for the day but it let me get the majority of the housework done that day. Tuesday I did laundry like a crazy lady and got ready to go grocery shopping that would have made Octomom proud. Wednesday I dropped the kids off with my wonderful friends the Carpenters and spent the day with my mother in law as she had knee replacement surgery. When I picked up the kid,s my youngest son was covered in this odd itchy rash. I was up and down all night with him and his "itchies" Thursday morning I took him to the doctor, thinking it was staph I was stunned to find out he was covered in poison ivy and it was on the verge of staph. took him home and loaded him with meds and cleaned a little while ( and made 3 more trips to the store) before my mom, my sister and her 3 month old daughter came in.They got in about 4m.  Cooked dinner and got them settled in. Friday morning we were going to go to the park but then my mother in law called and I went and got her from the hospital, (which, bless her heart, took 2 hours just to get her from the hospital to her house) then a mad dash to walmart to pick up her Rx, they were going to take 3 hours to fill it so I went to another walmart, picked up my sister, and the boys and her daughter, went and dropped off my mother in laws Rx, her groceries, then rushed downtown to go to Light the Night. Saturday Bobby and I cleaned the chicken coop first thing that morning then we had a homeschool field trip to the Skidaway Oceanography Institute for Science Day. that was really neat and the kids had a blast. then home and dinner and then a night trip with Julie and her daughter for party supplies and gifts. Sunday found Josh and I BACK in the doctors office, he had gotten worse. Evidently, the itchies of the poison ivy had spread (how the heck was I to know that the sap can be active for up to a year and anything you touch has to be washed including shoes?????) and the staph had turned into infantigo. BACK to the pharmacy for a strong liquid steroid, a cream steroid (yes he DID turn into the incredible Hulk) and an antibiotic. Then we came home while everyone was at fellowship and I put on a movie and started washing all of his things. Sunday evening was very busy just trying to keep up with him and his roid rage. Monday I took my mother in law to her physical therapy at 8am and then blood work, and then grocery shopping, Rushed home to get the house decorated for my sisters oldest daughters birthday party that was a joint party with my sons "betrothed" (she turned 7) then we all headed out to Springfield for the fair. got home at midnight and was up by 8 to get ready and take my sister with me out to Wesley Gardens to check it out for my homeschool meeting where I was told I was getting up to talk about it but they didn't call me up. Oh well. got home and crashed. Wednesday we went shopping at once upon a child and ross, then came home and cleaned the house. At this point my mom started not feeling well and Bobby started complaining of allergies. Thursday I had to take my mother in law to physical therapy, blood work and shopping again, Bobby was sick and came home and went to bed. Thursday night at 11pm I realize that the next day was Friday and I had to bring a lesson and a craft to co op. Friday Morning after 3 hours of sleep we all went to Co op. My mom came and saw the boys and had lunch with them. they recruited me to be a team leader in the morning and then I taught that afternoon. Came home, got ready and went and had dinner with my mom. came home from that and stayed up with Bobby and Julie till 2am ( it was during this time that I got some video for facebook) At 7am mom and Julie and her daughter left, Bobby was throwing up in the bathroom and a bomb had gone off in my house. I cleaned till 4pm and then took the kids to the Garden City Fall Festival and then after the fireworks we made it home by 9:30pm got the kids in bed and decided that I was exhausted, I asked Bobby since he wasn't feeling well anyways that I wanted to stay home from fellowship the next day, he thankfully, said yes, This morning, I woke up at 10:30 (Bobby got up with the boys and Chloe) I just slumped around, I did get ready and go to the store for baby wipes, baby food and more meds for Bobby. came home and made a cake, then realised that whatever my mom had she shared with Chloe. She screamed till 10:30, and now,  here I sit. trying to print out stuff for tomorrow and sooo thankful I had a restful day, it was wonderful and much much needed. Now I am trying to decide what to do about tomorrow? Clean and do laundry or do school. I can not wait till the boys are old enough and able to do school on their own. I'm not sure.... maybe I'll see how long the kids will let me sleep in and take it from there.

So, what have you been up to in the last two weeks?


Misplaced Honor said...

She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her. "Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all." (prov 31:27-29) I love you, my blue-eyed beauty.

Jessica said...

Sweetie, you are really really sweet. I love you :)

norma j hill said...

Oh oh oh... I love this! My total belly laugh of the day. Excellent!

You brought back so many wonderful (okay, maybe not totally wonderful, but still...) memories!

The youngest of my 5 children (plus my first grandchild who lived with us when he was a baby, and friends of our children, and foster children, and lost children ending up on my couch) is moving out end of the month... and home school mom days are done (for now - one of my girls wants me to be home school grandma for her kids)... and my parents have passed on...

I should be enjoying the rest. But sometimes I really miss the hectic life. (I think) :-)

Jessica said...

Norma, it does make the time go by faster. I'm sure when the kids are grown and life is slow and I've had a decent nights sleep for a week in a row... I'll miss it too.