Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Shocking Thought for the Day:

today seven years ago was my last childless day on earth. Inside of me was a baby boy who would change my life forever, and we named him Isaac.

Do you remember the day before Isaacs birth? What were you doing? Did you know me then?
What about the Night Before your first child was born? What was it like? How did your life change?


Anonymous said...

7 years ago today I was in Afghanistan pondering my first Christmas away from home. This year will be my second. Of course I didn't know you then and I don't have children but I can assure you that Afghanistan was a life changing experience for me.

Jessica said...

we miss you Micah, and cant wait to see you again!!!!I don't know if I ever told you before but I'll tell you now, Thank you for the service you gave to your country and to us all.

norma j hill said...

Seven years ago on December 22 2003... I was dragging myself through a haze day by day caused by a major concussion at work - which resulted in my having to resign that job a few days later. Turned out to be a blessing, as it was a gateway to a whole set of unexpected changes in my life!

No, I didn't know you then... but am beginning to feel I know you now. I love following your blog!

What about the night before my first child was born? That was nearly 30 years ago (wow, time flies) and I was beginning to think I'd be pregnant forever! I'd gone into labor 5 weeks earlier, reached 8 cm... and then labor stopped! I was now a week overdue. I'd been doing everything I could think of to encourage the little munchkin to hurry up.

That day, I went out picking wild huckleberries. I was standing on top of a thick old fallen log, probably at least 3 feet or more in diameter, stretching to reach the top of the huckleberry bush, when suddenly the log split in half - and I tumbled into the gap, with my bucket full of huckleberries scattered around me.

I felt fine but decided maybe that was enough excitement for a 41-week pregnancy, so went home, had supper, had a good night's sleep - and woke up in the morning in labor. 4 hours later baby arrived!

Jessica said...

Norma, that is a great story! you had a huckleberry baby LOL.
Isnt it amazing how God can turn an event that we think is sooooo tragic into something great?! I can't tell you home many times that has happened to me.