Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Nativity and a Cross Dressing Wise Guy

So in my spare time I organized a community live nativity scene in our front yard. There were several reasons for doing this, 1.)I wanted to show the boys the real meaning of Christmas and what better way to teach than to act it out? 2.) I wanted them to have the memories like I had when I was a kid and was involved in the annual church Christmas play. Since we home church I had to do my own. 3.) I wanted a chance to involve my neighbors in something more than a cup of sugar. 4.) I wanted to proclaim the amazing "GOOD NEWS" of the Nativity.
So I talked my neighbors into helping out, then I asked for donations of costumes, God constantly amazed me.see, I had this conversation with "God, that went something like this "God people we know are Christians and anti Christmas. but I love Christmas, but I love you more. So if you find glory in Christmas than please bless this endeavor. if not then I will totally take this as my sign and I will cease and desist all Christmas stuff."
yeah ok not a flowery fluffy prayer but it's just me and God  and he knows my heart anyways so why front? anyways.
then I would pray "God I need a stable"
poof a man gave me a stable. I am not kidding or making this up. he made it for his churches Christmas play, it was an attic and it was just perfect for a stable.
then I prayed "God I need costumes"
poof, I had exactly the right number of costumes lent to me. and these were NICE costumes.
then I prayed "God I need an angel"
I kid you not at TEN MINUTES TILL SEVEN a little girl I had never laid eyes on in my life walked in and let me put an angel costume on her.
IT was amazing!!!!!!!
So we put on the nativity scene. I gave out the parts and I was just going to be a shepherd in the background, but as Murphy would have it a wise man got the flu and couldn't make it. No problem, I donned on the costume and used eyeliner and penciled me in a beard. no biggy right? no one will notice right? I mean people are just going to be driving by, slowing down and watching right? WRONG!
the news came out.
Now keep in mind the whole time I am praying that God will be glorified and Jesus's birth will be honored by our humble little Nativity Scene.
So the guy takes some footage of the scene, the shepherds and angel, Mary and Joseph and the Baby Jesus. the three wise men.
then it happens....
He asks who's idea it was and if he can get an interview with the person responsible. EVERYONE points to me. After MUCH persuasion and VERY grudgingly I gave an interview. I tried very hard to give God the glory, but that's really hard when you have a eyeliner beard.
Why God had it happen that way I will never know. I mean I couldn't have brought Him less Glory if I tried. He should have had a great orator talk about the Baby born to save us of our sin. Instead He got a babbling cross dressing wise guy. OY VEY! All II wanted to do was bring Him glory and instead I made a mockery of the whole thing. but on a side note, Chloe was the cutest Baby Jesus in the world!!!!!! She even offered her "holy O's" (cheerios) to the Angel of the Lord. What a sweetie!!!!!


norma h hill said...

I don't know about the glory part, but I'm pretty sure He is still smiling!

I know I am - after having reread your story every day for the better part of a week....

Great post! :-)

Jessica said...

If I can find it I'll have to send you a link to video that they showed on the news. Which my neighbor forced me to watch (shaking head)